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In a Photo Club near You

Finding Inspiration

Teacher in photography, computer graphics and video for over 25 years,
In this conference, I invite you to explore different aspects of creativity and share with you my sources of inspiration.
You will hear about tips for finding inspiration, methods for
see differently photography and the art in general and in closing, a very
personal and human way to see photographs.
The presentation will obviously be interspersed with personal photographs
with an artistic as well as a commercial approach.

Duration of 2h30

For more than 10 years, I have offered a multitude of face-to-face or via Zoom conferences on several subjects and even on special requests.

If you are a photo club or a group and you want to up your game in your photographic practice, do not hesitate to contact me to find out more about the different options that I can offer you.

I look forward to seeing you in person or virtually.

Creative Photography

In this conference, I invite you to explore different facets of creativity and to stimulate you in your need to photograph.
I will show you the work of several photographers and creators who have gone beyond the limits to show what fascinates them.

Half-creative, half-technical conference.

Duration of 2h30


Composition is one of the ways to stand out in your photographic work. Do you master it? Do you understand all the subtleties? We will take a tour of what composition can do for you and how to use it to your advantage, to bring a lot of strength to your images.

Duration of 2h30

Black & White Language

Black and White photography has always been part of my life. For me, this way of seeing is magical and allows me to express emotions that color does not allow me to do. I offer you an overview of this world where anything is possible if you have the sensitivity and openness to dive into it.

Duration of 2h30

The Color Language

Color as a language can allow you, if you master it, to support emotions that you want to convey in your images.

It can also subconsciously affect how people perceive your images. If you want to learn a new language of photography, this presentation will give you more latitude in the way you construct your photos.

Duration of 2h30

Plastic Language

Visual language is also very important in the construction of your photographic projects. In this presentation, we will see what textures, contrasts, rhythm and several other image structure tools can bring to your photography. Learning a new language will always help you express your ideas better!

Duration of 2h30

iPhone Photography

In this workshop, you will explore the good and bad sides of using your phone as a camera.
You will see lots of examples of the good things you can expect from this type of media and what can only be achieved by this new type of camera.
You will also explore many tools that can be easily used to take photos, edit them, add effects, and get a lot of information about your surroundings.

Duration of 2h30

Photo Judgment

Take a tour of the major trends in the evaluation of photographic works.

Whether it is judging in a national or international competition or simply a friendly competition between friends or members of a photo club, there are ways of doing things that should be followed to ensure consistency and a certain objectivity. in the process.

We'll talk about the different types of photos to judge, the different ways of judging, and some guides that can help us stay on course when practicing judging one or more photographs.

Duration of 2h30

Intro to Adobe Lightroom

Presentation of the main functions of the software with a focus on these strengths and the most common working techniques. Demonstrations of more advanced techniques to let people see the potential of this great software. More technical training.

2h30 demonstration training

Intro to Adobe Photoshop

Presentation of the main functions of the software with a focus on these strengths and the most common working techniques. Demonstrations of more advanced techniques to let people see the potential of this great software. More technical training.

2h30 demonstration training

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Web Site Design with Wix

Overview of the different options available on the web for creating websites for photographers. Demonstration of how to create a site with Wix for beginners and intermediates.

Course notes and references will be given to you during this workshop.

Duration of 2h30

Photographic Introspection

One-day practical and theoretical workshop with work to be done before the meeting.

This workshop is in groups of 10 person maximum, to allow you to do an introspection on your photographic work and to have a group feedback on your work.

3 hours of theories and 3 hours of practice ...

6h conference / workshop

© 2021 Carlos Richer, all rights reserved.

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